Fillers | LP Injection Modes For The Lower Middle Third Of The Face

Luca Piovano LPLuca Piovano aesthetic medicine

I am pleased to present this work by Prof. Luca Piovano which integrates the various problems of the aesthetic medicine in the face treatments. First of a series of three volumes to thoroughly investigate all the problems related to the use of Fillers.

Over the last 10 years, the solutions proposed by aesthetic medicine for the treatment of the “imperfections” of the face have become increasingly targeted and aimed at a maximum result with mini-invasiveness.

The work of Dr. Piovano has in parallel followed this development of the strong subject of a professional preparation based on established anatomical and surgical knowledge indispensable to anyone who carries out simply medical treatments of this type.

Professor Piovano’s injection methods are based precisely on these principles and on a personal sensitivity of taste and proportions: “less is more”, Video-Book is a valid example of how to put this methodology into practice. The integration between typical video texts of the OEO publishing house in Florence is a complete solution, innovative for the training of the careful aesthetic doctor and to scientific developments to the needs of patients.

Video Book Prefazione Index Index lp injection modes


Benjamin AscherJ’ai le plaisir de présenter cet important travail du Prof. Luca Piovano, destiné aux Dermatologues, Chirurgiens Plasticiens , et à tout expert dédié aux traitements minimal invasifs esthétiques du visage. Il s’agit du Premier d’une série de trois volumes pour étudier de manière approfondie tous les problèmes liés à l’utilisation des injectables .

Au cours des 10 dernières années, les solutions proposées par la médecine esthétique pour le traitement des “imperfections” du visage sont devenues de plus en plus ciblées et visent un résultat maximum, avec peu ou pas d’effets secondaires et d’arrêt des activités.

Le travail du Dr Piovano est particulièrement reconnu dans notre communauté professionnelle, et est basé sur des connaissances anatomiques et chirurgicales de haut niveau , très pratiques, indispensables tant aux débutants qu’aux experts qui effectue ces traitements médicaux.

Les méthodes d’injection du professeur Piovano reposent précisément sur ces principes techniques, sur une sensibilité personnelle artistique alliée à une connaissance de la mesure, qui respecte le proverbe « less is more ».

Tout ceci se traduit par un Video-Book, particulièrement riche en schémas, photos et illustration, auquel s’ajoute une ‘intégration remarquablement réussie des textes vidéo, travail typique de la maison d’édition OEO à Florence.

Au total un ouvrage très riche en contenu, moderne, innovant à recommander pour la formation de tout médecin dédié à l’esthétique pour le plus grand bénéfice de leurs patients.

Benjamin ASCHER, MD
Plastic Surgeon Board Certified
IMCAS Congresses Scientific Director & IMCAS Academy Editor
Lecturer & Clinical Assistant, Paris Academy
Member of the French, American, and International Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Presentazione del Dott JognSeo Kim

Dott JognSeo Kim

나의 절친한 친구이자 동료인 Luca Piovano 교수가 연구결과를 발간한다는 소식을 듣고 매우 기뻤다
Luca Piovano 교수는
얼굴부분의 시술을 다루는 미용의학적인 연구를 시리즈 별로 3개의 토픽을 발표할 것이다.

그중 첫 번째로, 필러술방법과 문제점의 해결에 대한 연구를 발간하게 되었다.
나의 친한 친구인 그는 지난 10년간 얼굴을 보다 아름답게 하는 미용의학계적 방법을 꾸준하게 연구 하고 교육하고 발표하고 있으며 그의 열정적인 연구에 박수를 보낸다.
첫 번째 연구발표에는 최소한의 침습적인 방법으로 최대한의 미용적 효과를 내는 것을 주 목표로 하고 있다.
Dr. Piovano의 연구는 그의 꾸준한 연구와 경험을 바탕으로 얼굴 필러 시술에 똑 필요한 해부학적, 외과적 지식을 발전시키고 있다.
Video-Book은 “Less is more” (과유불급)을 실전에 적용한 유용한 결과물입니다.
피렌체의 OCO 출판사는 비디오와 텍스트의 통합을 잘 이루어내었으며, 미용 성형외과 기술의 양성을 위한 훌륭한 솔루션이다.


Kim-Jongseo MD
President of Plastic Surgery Clinic
Seoul – Korea


prof. Irina Khrustaleva

Dear Luca,

C большим удовольствием представляю работу профессора Л. Пиовано, посвященную вопросам иньекционного лечения эстетических проблем лица. В первом из трех томов подробно описываются методы объемной пластики нижней трети лица, основанные на обширном личном опыте автора. Последние несколько десятилетий — со значительным прогрессом в разработке и производстве новых филлеров — волюметрическая коррекция мягких тканей лица шагнула из операционных пластических хирургов в кабинеты врачей -дерматокосметологов. Работа представителей разных специальностей требует нового уровня анатомических знаний, применимых именно к введению наполнителей, и обеспечение безопасности проводимых процедур. Все эти важнейшие вопросы нашли отражение в представленной работе. Включение видеоматериалов делает материал еще более привлекательным для практикующих специалистов.
Мы с нетерпением ждем публикации следующих двух томов

Best regards,

prof. Irina Khrustaleva MD, PhD,
the Head of Plastic Surgery Chair,
The Pavlov Medical State University,
St-Petersburg, Russia

ISAPS, ASAPS active member


Hema SundaramI congratulate Dr. Luca Piovano on the publication of his new e-book in three parts, FILLERS: INJECTION METHODS, and wish him every success with it.

Kind regards,

Hema Sundaram, MA, MD, FAAD
Board Certified Dermatologist, USA
Visiting Professor, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery
11119 Rockville Pike, Ste 205, Rockville, MD 20852.
8316 Arlington Blvd, Ste 401, Fairfax, VA 22031.

Dottor Luca Piovano

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